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 Lido di Jesolo, nearest fishery(s)?

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Slobodan Inserito il - 01/08/2009 : 22:41:36
I will be staying a few days in Lido di Jesolo in September...

Could someone tell me wich are the nearest and the best fishery (for sport carp fishing), for short fishing (one day) in this area?

5   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
Slobodan Inserito il - 11/08/2009 : 14:32:55
Thank you Cenin and others..!

I am planing to bring only one feeder combo if you think that so hard to catch carp in Sile river, because I don`t have enough time to spend on setup place and accessories (three rods and reels, pod, indicators etc.)

Do you have some recommendation about that? Systems, weight of feeders, deep and bottom of Sile river in Jesolo area...?
conte Inserito il - 04/08/2009 : 11:41:18
What kind of needs ore on your priority list?

by mate.

C.F.I. Siamo Noi

Prime di fà une gnot, tacone le femine, buse i fruts, mande in mone dos voltis i rompi coions e mole il bevi. mandi mandi
cenin Inserito il - 03/08/2009 : 21:26:21
In jesolo town, 4-5Km far from jesolo beach you find a nice river that ends into the lagoon.
There are carps in it but it is not easy to catch them because there are a lot of chubs and roaches.
If you use boilies prefer 20 (doubles) or better 24 size: tigernut is a good solution but i think it's not the best to carry during an holiday.
Often you can fish with almost 150gr lead, over 200gr when tide pulls.
Starting from Portegrandi town down to the sea (jesolo zone included) you need only the tourist fishing permission that you can get in the town hall.
Otherwise the nearest fishery (pit by ticket only for carpfishing) i know is near my town...at 100-120 Km far from Jesolo: but i think you must fish for almost 2 days (with night included) to enjoy it.
Have a nice holiday, Bye.
wild crab Inserito il - 03/08/2009 : 08:51:27
vicinissimo a jesolo scorre e sfocia in mare il sile.... info su come pescare non ne ho..... spero ci pensi qualcun'altro.. BUONE FERIE!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Michele De Tomasi
PMcComy Inserito il - 02/08/2009 : 01:54:35
Hello Slobodan, cover text and see if someone is help.

Slobodan chiede informazioni,
Verrà per pochi giorni nel Lido di Jesolo in settembre...

Qualcuno gli può dire se ci sono posti di pesca nelle vicinanze dove praticare il carpfishing, anche in giornata o per poche ore?
Ciao Slobodan, Benvenuto.



Cominelli Paolo
resp. Team Carpfishing Rudiano 55
Consigliere Nazionale C.F.I.

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