"CARPE DIEM" il forum degli appassionati by Carp Fishing Italia

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 A B C del Carpfishing
 Aqcui Terme, Alessandria

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Bammer Inserito il - 29/06/2010 : 13:12:42

I visit Italy every year, my wifes mother lives in Visone which is just outside Aqcui Terme.

This year we shall be there from 2nd August - 25th August.

My son and I would love to meet some "Italian Carpers", maybe meet them when they fish, see tactics and perhaps learn something. We would not be able to fish as we will travel on Ryan Air. But it would be good to meet and start friendship.

I will have a car so short journey is okay, but my wife and daughter etc will be with us so a longer trip is not good. Also friends are visiting 13th to 21st so not good time either.

I know my way around pretty good.

So, anyone want to meet a fellow carpist, have a beer, and talk fishing ....




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